Directory »Chanen Preschool
At Chanen Preschool our curriculum is focused on foundational early childhood education. Early Childhood Development refers to a child’s physical, cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development. Children are not passive learners. Instead, they learn through physical, social, and mental activities. At Chanen we strive to instill the values of kindness (chesed), respect (kavod), responsibility (achrayut), gratitiude (hoda’ah) and being part of a holy community (kehillah k’dosha).
* Grade/ Ages Served: 6 weeks – PreK * After/Before School Programs: Yes * Student to Teacher Ratio: Varies based on age group.
2024 Summer Camp:
Congregation Beth Israel offers camp options for all ages. Camp Chanen in Scottsdale offers a fun-filled summer of adventure for ages 6 weeks-4th grade.
Campers are sure to enjoy weekly visitors, water play, immersive experiences and so much more! Elementary age will also enjoy field trips and Lego Camp.