Directory » Kinder Academy
Kinder Academy is an accelerated private preschool dedicated to educating the young minds of tomorrow. It is an established fact that the first five years of a child’s life are the most crucial. It is the time when his/her personality and intelligence level are determined. The child’s brain is a lot more active and alert than an adults is, forever grasping new skills, language and methods. So Preschool is indeed a precious time in your child’s life. Parents and teachers, working together, can create an environment in which a child can bloom to his/her fullest potential.
2025 Camps:
Ages 2-10. Join us this summer for either one week or all six weeks of our S.T.E.A.M. Summer Academy!
Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math are the five subjects that may be most important for our kids to be learning now. Building rockets, robots and other cool contraptions help kids become creative thinkers and problem solvers and may help them and our world in the future.
June 2 – July 17. Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm.