How two brothers turned home decorating into the biggest Christmas celebration in Arizona
By Nora Heston Tarte
If you are from Arizona then you are likely familiar with longtime Hall of Fame media personality Dave Pratt, who now owns and operates Star Worldwide Networks and Pratt Marketing Agency. While Pratt is still a household name, he is proud that his sons have since taken center stage. Two of Pratt’s four kids, Kyle and Sammy, are responsible for the Christmas spectacle, Pratt Brothers Christmas at Rawhide Western Town.
Inspiration accumulated through many Disney vacations motivated Kyle and Sammy to take their love of Christmas and make it shine for the whole neighborhood to see. Once taking over the family’s outdoor decorating in 2015, each year the light displays got larger and larger until the City of Scottsdale shut it down after the attraction started causing traffic issues on surrounding streets. So, in need of a bigger landscape—and more open space—the duo opened Pratt Brothers Christmas at Rawhide Western Town; touted as Arizona’s biggest Christmas celebration and boasting over 7 million lights, a Gingerbread House Light Show, a magical train ride, a nightly parade, stunt performances, live entertainment and a shopping village all at one convenient and spectacular location. While Kyle and Sammy created their company Pratt Brothers Entermazement LLC in 2022 with an inaugural display in Mesa, the efforts moved to Rawhide last year. This is the Pratt’s second year at that location.
We chatted with the brothers about how they turned their passion into a full-fledged business, what inspires their annual ideas and what we can expect from Pratt Brothers in the future.
When did Sammy and Kyle start their home display?
We grew up in a big family of six, and every year during the holidays, our tradition was to visit Disneyland, the happiest place on earth. Disneyland was the place where, regardless of what was going on in our lives, we could escape the worries of the world. It was magical. As we got older, that feeling continued to resonate with us. We started researching the origins of Disneyland, how it was created, and how they managed to create that enchanting feeling that so many have experienced when stepping into the park. When I was 17 years old, and Kyle was 20, we returned home in 2015 from Disneyland. That Christmas, we decided to put up lights on our family home. We thought it would be our pet project and a way to start gaining experience in entertainment, show development and building an attraction for guests. That year, our only “guests” were our family and friends, and I think our mailman stopped by once or twice.
How has the display grown over the years?
Our annual holiday display grew each year to surprise the public and offer something new each time. Adding pyrotechnic machines to our show earned us the nickname “fire house” and put us on the map. We wanted to enhance our display to attract more visitors continually.
Tell us about the journey from home display to a valley favorite event.
From 2015 to 2021, we continued to decorate our family home with lights. In just 7 years, it grew to include 250,000 lights, fire machines, CO2 jets, fireworks, and a homemade ride through the house. After being featured on Good Morning America and winning ABC’s The Great Christmas Light Fight, our house became so popular that cars were backing up to the 101 Freeway, waiting to come down our street. The police had to shut down the street due to the traffic, and we turned off our lights to help clear it. That night, an officer told me we had close to 6000 people on our street. Amidst the chaos, it dawned on us: maybe this isn’t just a hobby. Maybe we are on to something. Maybe this could become something bigger. From that moment on, we never looked back. In 2022, we founded Pratt Brothers Entertainment and took our display to a commercial level.
What educational steps did Sammy and Kyle take to prepare to transition their hobby into a business venture?
We were always taught the value of hard work and discipline through parenting and school. We both went to college for business. Being persistent in everything you do is key, especially when so many will tell you not to do it. Starting your own business is not easy and it won’t be for years. You have to be willing to fail and also be willing to crash and burn. You will have horrible moments, and you will have great moments. The key is to keep pushing forward and to never give up. Those who don’t give up are the ones who survive. We feel incredibly fortunate and blessed that our business allows us to do what we love—[create] magic and experiences for everyone to enjoy.
What goes into putting the event on each year?
Our event is only open for 30 days, but it’s an all-year-round business. Planning begins the day after Christmas and wraps up towards the end of January. After that, we are off to the races —maintaining the magic and creating brand-new experiences for the following year. We have an amazing staff on both the business and creative side who work year-round to bring our crazy ideas to life. We are a tight-knit group, and I think we have the greatest job in the world. We get to build happiness for families.
Where does inspiration come from?
We draw most of our inspiration from traveling. While social media is great for seeing places you’ve never been to, nothing compares to experiencing them in person. Being able to see, touch, smell and feel the atmosphere around you is a completely different experience. These are all factors that people sometimes overlook when seeking inspiration online. We love absorbing knowledge from everywhere we go and asking questions. Disney has greatly impacted our lives, influencing how we prioritize quality, customer service, and experiences.
The creative process is like a snowball effect; a small thought or idea grows as we keep adding to it until it becomes larger than life. We complement each other’s ideas and styles. Whatever one of us doesn’t think of the other will. It truly is a yin and yang creative process.
What can families expect in 2024?
Kyle and I take pride in striving to improve and enhance the event each year. We like to maintain a balance between incorporating elements from the past and embracing new innovations for the future. We ensure that the attractions loved by our guests are regularly refreshed and improved with new show elements to make the experience exciting each year. Additionally, this year we are introducing some exciting new additions. These include new parade floats, light shows, a brand-new train ride experience, live entertainment, character meet and greets, and, of course, an additional one million lights to bring our total to 7.5 million Christmas lights.
What’s in store for the future?
In our line of work, we try not to dwell on the past. Times and circumstances change quickly, so we need to keep our focus on the future. While I can’t reveal too many details, I can say that we are planning to expand Pratt Brothers Christmas into several other markets and eventually establish a full-fledged theme park here in Arizona. This is not just a prediction; it’s a spoiler.
What advice do you have for kids who would like to start their own business?
It’s alright if you feel like you don’t fit in and if you’re not excelling at everything. Grades don’t determine intelligence. Concentrate on discovering what you excel at. It might happen now or in ten years, but eventually, you will find it. Be ready for tough days and never stop aiming for improvement. If you have determination, persistence, and passion, that will take you further than any textbook ever could.
Nora Heston Tarte is a freelance travel writer and mother. You can follow along with her adventures on Instagram @wanderlust_n_wine
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