Aug 26, 2019 | Behavioral & Developmental, Education, Pregnancy/Baby
By Tanni Haas, Ph.D. Like most parents, you probably remember fondly the first time you had your toddler in your lap, reading a children’s book with big, beautiful illustrations and simple words like Goodnight Moon or Brown Bear, Brown Bear: Where Are You? I remember...
Aug 26, 2019 | Behavioral & Developmental, Medical, Parents Ask, Pregnancy/Baby
“I’m a new mom and am constantly freaking myself out over things my baby is doing, like throwing her arms up for no reason and bobbing her head. Is there a reason to be concerned, or are these normal behaviors?” Jade – Scottsdale Every new parent at some point...
Sep 5, 2017 | Family Life, Medical, Pregnancy/Baby
By Titilola Afolabi, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCPPS Safeguarding is a continuous process of ensuring that children grow and develop in a safe and effective environment. Standard childproofing solutions such as cabinet and toilet locks and electrical outlet plugs immediately...
Sep 5, 2017 | Back Talk, Pregnancy/Baby
Q: Sleep recommendations seem to change from year to year. What is the best and safest way to put my little one to sleep? – Christina, Chandler Every parent of a little one knows the daily and sometimes frustrating struggle of getting them to sleep. Your...
Sep 6, 2016 | Behavioral & Developmental, Parents Ask, Pregnancy/Baby
Q: My six week old daughter is so fussy. My friends tell me it sounds like colic, but I’ve tried so many different things to calm her and nothing seems to work. What can I do to help her? A: Colic is common and can affect up to three out of ten babies. A healthy...
Sep 6, 2016 | Back Talk, Behavioral & Developmental, Pregnancy/Baby
By: Alexa Bigwarfe As many young couples do, when my first husband and I started talking about having a family, we had our list of things we would not allow our children to do. They would not throw tantrums in public. They would eat what we prepared for them. They...