COST AND CHILDCARE REMAIN KEY BARRIERS Education Forward Arizona, as part of its Everything to Gain campaign, unveiled a second poll in an ongoing series for the state of Arizona. The results show that regardless of socioeconomic status, most Arizonans who never...
By Janeen Lewis Does your elementary-aged child suddenly get a stomach ache the day of a math test? Maybe your middle schooler constantly declares “I hate math!” or your high schooler doesn’t like Algebra because he or she doesn’t see how it connects to real life. If...
A Parent’s Guide To SciTech Institute and Their Student CSO Program By Brittany Sweeney-Lawson In an era defined by technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs, parents play a crucial role in nurturing their child’s curiosity and passion for learning....
From the cramped confines of the hotel rooms he called home at two different points in his childhood, Dallas Salas knew a brighter future was ahead. Even so, it’s unlikely a younger version of this remarkable young man could ever have predicted the path he’d...
By Sandra Gordon From crawling, walking and babbling to the angst and rebellion of the tween and teen years, children constantly go through a predictable set of developmental stages physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Along the way, they can...
By Nikki Kontz You’ve purchased the notebooks, backpack and a long list of other school supplies to make sure your child is ready. You’ve got their new clothes or uniforms picked out and your tween looks great with a fresh, back-to-school haircut. Your...