STEM Prepares Kids For The Future Job Market

  by Kimberly Blaker Many parents today never experienced a world where computers weren’t a standard household fixture, let alone a world without the Internet. When the World Wide Web first became available to the public in 1991, it was archaic compared to...

Teaching Your Kids About Money

  By Sarah Lyons “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Another day, another dollar.” “You get what you pay for.” “Money makes the world go ‘round.” These common sayings represent good lessons about money but can be confusing for kids. It’s important to teach our kids...

Getting The Kids To Plan

  Keep Calm & Get the Kids A Planner By Sandi Schwartz Feeling overwhelmed by your children’s busy schedules? How do you keep track of it all? Many of us rely on our own planners, but have you ever considered pushing some of that responsibility onto your...